Історія оновлень
Connection issue with activated "USDC options exchange" setting.
Improved logic for Breakeven trading operation - added support for multi brackets.
Auto reconnection logic was disabled for Rithmic connection in case of multiple logins using same account (to avoid redundant requests to Rithmic API).
Added aggressor flag for trades.
Fixes and improvements to the copy logic.
VWAP did not display values for last bar.
Bid/Ask lines were invisible in some cases.
First quote in period could be missed in some specific cases.
Possible data duplication in volume profiles for last bar.
Added "my.okx.com" URL to connection settings.
- "Demand Index". Minor changes and fixes.
- "Bar counter". Minor changes and fixes.
- "Bollinger Bands %". Minor changes and fixes.
- "Power of Three". Minor changes and fixes.
VWAP did not display properly on DOM Surface panel.
It was not possible to move drawings with same coordinates.
Some fixes in copying logic for specific cases.
History loading issues.
Panel did not allow to select symbol when creating task for exporting.
Dragging symbols from other panels did not work.
Added saving of logs after deleting a bot.
Incorrect positioning of drawings on tick charts.
Minor fixes for date/time column formatting.
The order line, when dragged, was stuck to the drawings on the chart.
Added connection to Gate.io crypto exchange.
- Added display of the name of the currently selected workspace on the main toolbar.
- Added an ability to use mp3 files for sound alerts.
- Added 'Use independent windows' option to general settings.
- Added 'Expand All'/'Collapse All' to table context menu when using grouping.
- Added support for Home/End/Page Up/Page Down hotkeys for table panels.
- Added warning when some of panels displayed out of the current view when loading workspace.
- Possible incorrect time synchronization.
- Added 'Autosave after closing' setting.
- Added advanced customization settings for Options Desk (font, grid).
- Added an ability to customize columns in Options desk and orders panel.
- Panel template did not save visible columns and their settings.
Added splitter to manage logs table height.
Added an ability to view connection settings when connection is active.
- Time Statistics. Added an ability to manage rows order.
- Time Statistics. Added 'Finish delta' value.
- Step profile. Added advanced settings for Total label.
- The comment did not copy when dragging a symbol from one watchlist to another.
- The comment was not saved after the application restarted.
- Added 'Enable filter' hotkey.
Added Open Interest value.
- Added an ability to export data to csv file.
- Added an ability to manage symbols order.
- Symbols from an inactive connection are no longer removed from the panel.
- Added additional colors/font settings.
- Added 'Cross line' drawing tool.
- Added all possible settings for 'Alert' drawing tool on 'Quick settings' toolbar.
- Added 'Vertical alert ' drawing tool.
- Added lock angle hotkey (Shift) when adding Line tool (0/45/90/etc. degrees only).
- Price Target. Added 'Tool mode' auto detection which depends on tool creation: from the bottom to the top or opposite.
- Price Target. Added 'Position Size' parameter.
- Price Target. Added SL/TP colors settings on 'Quick settings' toolbar.
- Price Target. Added 'Always show stats' setting.
- Added an ability to copy drawings using CTRL key and dragging.
- The ability to delete drawings with active 'Lock location' was disabled.
- Added an ability to display the 'Previous Daily High/Low' line.
- Added an ability to set text label alignment for 'Daily High/Low', 'Previous close' and other lines.
- Added 'Text alignment' setting for the Price scale.
- Added an ability to disable hovered bar highlighting for crosshair.
- Panel did not store 'Enable keyboard trading' state after the application restart.
- Info window. Added the ability to manage the order of items.
- Info window. Added advanced color settings.
- Object Manager. Drawings with long names were not displayed properly.
- Object toolbar. Added 'Show/Hide all trades', 'Show/Hide all positions/orders' and 'Collapse all positions/orders' actions.
- Export data did not export data (1Day+) when using configured sessions.
- Crosshair. Added 'Show day of the week' setting.
- Incorrect price in chart alert message when using custom tick size.
- Candle chart did not display border for small bars.
- Added 'Reverse and Cancel' hotkey.
- A minus sign was added to the quantity value of short positions.
- Positions. Added 'Coloring Scheme' setting (PnL, Side).
Reduced the minimum value for 'Deviations value' parameter.
- Added 'Confirm on panel's close' setting.
- Added font settings.
- Divergence detector: Added 'Hide signatures' option.
- 'Visible on specified timeframes' did not apply for indicators that use the 'OnPaint method'.
- Added 'Camarilla Weekly pivots' indicator.
- Added 'Naked levels' indicator.
- Added 'Volume Weighted Moving Average' indicator.
Added 'Keyboard trading' and 'Lock trading' buttons.
Added 'Orderbook aggregation' setting, that allows to use aggregated by price orderbook data.
- TPO Statistics: Added font settings.
- Added advanced border settings for profiles/labels/markers.
- Added an ability to configure text color when using 'Boxes' display style.
Added an ability to lock trading per account.
- Added 'Reset Bid/Ask trade size for all DOM panels' hotkey.
- Added 'Reset liquidity changes for all DOM panels' hotkey.
- Added 'Reset liquidity number of changes for all DOM panels' hotkey.
- Added 'Reset Bid/Ask trade size' hotkey.
- Added 'Reset liquidity changes' hotkey.
- Added 'Reset liquidity number' hotkey.
- Panel did not save marker values after application restart.
- Removed incorrect 'LMT+1' label after panel opening.
- Disabled an ability to change bot settings while it is running to prevent issues.
- Multiple fixes and improvements for specific cases.
- Added an alternative algorithm for copy trading based on incoming trading messages.
- Added the ability to allow for partial history removal.
- Added progress for removing history.
Add all connection settings from dxFeed connection.
Added 'Minimal trade size' setting to skip small trades.
Added 'Risk $' and 'Risk %' parameters.
- Added 'Date/Time format' setting for 'Date/Time' column.
- Added an ability to use actions/advanced filters with panels data.
- Added 'Max Position' value to Symbol Info panel.
- Long order cancellations.
- Added the ability to manage the order of trading buttons on the toolbar.
- Added separate hotkeys for all trading actions on the toolbar.
- Added the ability to manage the order of trading buttons on the toolbar.
- Added separate hotkeys for all trading actions on the toolbar.
- Possible incorrect (negative) value for the 'Recovery factor'.
- Some settings did not save into panel template.
The trades column in the watchlist did not display values.
'Export to CSV' did not save milliseconds in the time column.